Wednesday, October 21, 2015



A.      Background of the Study
Reading is the most useful skill and has an important role in human beings life. Through reading, everyone can get information about science, and technology that perhaps they do not know  before. Reading is the most efficient way to acquire information about many aspects in the life, since most of available information is delivered in printed media such as journals, newspapers, magazines  and books. Therefore, having a good reading skill is needed to know the content of that information. Even in the internet, the information is presented in written form, so the users need to read the information.
So far, as stated in many educational guidelines, reading is the most important skill to be mastered without ignoring the others. As stated by Carell, Devine and Eskey in Dian Novita Arviyani (2004: 2) for many students, reading is by far the most important of the four skills in a second language, particularly in English as a second language or foreign language. Certainly, if they consider the study of English as a foreign language around the world, the situation in which most English students find themselves reading is the main reason why students learn the language. It is also stated in the curriculum of the lesson unit level for the junior high school level which has been published by the Department of Education of Cilacap District (2007: 23), the purpose of teaching reading for the junior high school is to understand the meaning in the simple written interpersonal and transactional discourse formally or informally,especially in the form of recount, narrative, procedure, descriptive, and report, in the context of daily life.
 From the quotations above, the writer can see how important reading for the students are, particularly in English as a second or foreign language. It seems, it is acceptable when the writer  refers to learning situation for academic purposes. In order to succeed, the students should be able to have solid reading proficiency. In reality, to have solid reading proficiency or capability is very difficult, especially for the students. The students’ passiveness in comprehending English texts becomes the common problems faced by the teacher in teaching reading. The students feel difficult in comprehending the text. They also experience a lot of difficulties in answering the reading questions. They are not active, lazy, bored, not motivated and tend to make a noise in the classroom, especially when the teacher asks them to comprehend the text.
The problems also happen at SMP Negeri 1 Wanareja. Based on  the writer’s experience during teaching in SMP Negeri 1 Wanareja especially in  reading class,  it seems that the most students are very passive, bored, and not motivated when they are trying to comprehend the text. Therefore, they are very difficult to answer the reading questions given by the teacher. Even although the teacher speaks loudly when he teaches reading, sometimes he sees a student who is sleepy. 
 There are three causes of the students’ passiveness in comprehending a text. First, the students do not master the vocabulary, or have lack of vocabulary. These problems also make them difficult to comprehend the text because many words were new for them. Second, a lot of students who have no dictionaries because of their parents’s low economic condition. Even some of them feel reluctant to bring dictionaries because most of complete dictionaries are heavier than other books they bring. Third, especially for the students who have low competence also need long time for thinking, so they are easy to be disturbed by his/her friends and tend to prefer not to think. They prefer playing with his/her friends to comprehending the difficult texts.
Dealing with the problems above, the writer as the English teacher in SMP Negeri 1 Wanareja needs to give positive response concretely and objectively, and tries to motivate the students, looks for the way to make the class more interesting and thinks what technique or approach is appropriate in teaching reading in his school, particularly in comprehending the English text.
Based on the fact, the students’ reading comprehension quality at SMP Negeri 1 Wanareja is still low, and it needs a solution. To solve the problems, the writer thinks that it is very necessary to change the students’ attitudes and behaviors in teaching and learning process, especially by improving the students’ activeness in reading class. So, in this research the writer does not discuss or talk about the product or result or score. The students’ result score of reading comprehension will not be discussed in this research. One of the alternatives the writer chooses is by implementing a certain tehnique, that is a discussion technique. The implementation of this tehnique would be used in a research entitled “ Improving Students’ Activeness in Reading Comprehension through Discussion Tehnique.” ( A Classroom Action Research at Grade 8E of SMP Negeri 1 Wanareja in the  Academic Year 2011/2012). The technique which the writer usually uses in teaching reading before is translating reading clasically and sometimes the writer asks students to translate the reading individually, too. In fact, most of the students look bored and passive in comprehending the texts through translation which is conducted both individually and clasically. It is based on what the teacher (writer) has experienced in teaching reading comprehension in SMP Negeri 1 Wanareja since 1984. It is also proved with the low result of students’ achievement in reading class. That is why the writer would like to implement the discussion technique in teaching reading, because  of feeling not succesful in teaching reading materials to the students, particularly in comprehending the texts.

B.       Reason for Choosing the Topic
The writer chooses discussion technique to improve the students’ activeness in reading comprehension or reading class in the grade 8E of SMP Negeri 1 Wanareja in the academic year 2011/2012 for the following reasons:
1.    Reading is the most important skill that has to be mastered. However, the   students have problems in this skill.
2.    The writer as an English teacher and the two other English teachers as collaborators agree to improve the   students’ activeness in comprehending text through discussion tehnique. The writer expects the discussion technique can improve the students’ activeness in reading class, especially in comprehending English texts or reading comprehension.  

C.      Problems of the Research
The problem of this research can be formulated as follows:
Is discussion tehnique able to improve the students’ activeness of SMP Negeri 1 Wanareja in reading comprehension?

D.      Aims of the Research
Based on the problem formulation above, the aim of this research is to improve the students’ activeness in reading comprehension through discussion technique.   

E.       Research Contribution
This Research is expected to give some contribution to students, English teachers, and language researchers. The contribution are as follows:
1.      For Students
This researh can hopefully give motivation to the students to be more active in reading English, particularly in comprehending the English texts.

2.      For English Teachers
The result of this research hopefully can provide the information to the teachers, that using discussion technique in teaching reading can improve the student’s aactiveness, particularly in comprehending the English texts.
3.      For Language Researchers
The procedures and outcomes of the research hopefully can inspire other researchers to do research concerned with similar themes.                                                      

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