Wednesday, October 21, 2015



A.      Result of the Research
This research got the success in improving the students’ activeness in reading comprehension through discussion technique at grade 8F of SMP Negeri 1 Wanareja at basic competence “Responding the meaning and rhetorical steps in a simple short essay accurately, fluently and acceptable  related with the environment in the form of descriptive text and recount”.
In every action of the learning process, the teacher used the instructional media in the form of a laptop, LCD and other teaching aids, such as dictionaries and other supporting tools. Based on the research conducted, the writer tried to concluded the result of the research. The search result was got from the score result on the sheet of observation and questionnaire used. The percentage of score achievement on the sheet of the students’ activities observation was used to determine the improvement of students’ activeness in teaching and learning process, particularly in reading class through discussion technique in each cycle, and the percentage of the questionnaire was used to strengthen the result of the percentage of score achievement on the sheet of the students’ activities observation. While the observation list of the teacher’s activities was used to know and analize the teacher’s lacks in teaching and learning process.

B.       Discussion
The  action research was conducted in two cycles. It began from  10 February  2012 to 19 February 2012. The result of the research is as follows:
1.    Cycle 1
In Cycle 1, the action of the learning process ran well. The rate of the average of students’ activeness percentage is  55.16%. It  indicates that the students’ activeness is good and appropriate with the teacher’s expectation. The achievement result of each indicator of students’ activeness can as well as be seen from the tabel below:
Table 4.1
The Result of the Observation List of Students’ Activeness for Each Indicator at Cycle 1
Action 1
Action 2
active in opening the dictionary to find the meaning of new words found in the text in discussion
50 %
45 %
active in comprehending every phrase, sentence and paragraph in discussion
57.5 %
60 %
active in focussing or concentrating his/her mind to comprehend the text in discussion
57.5 %
67.5 %
active in finding problems or difficulties in the text in discussion
32.5 %
52.5 %
active in responding both questions and opinions from others in discussion
60 %
55 %

active in finding the right answers in answering the reading questions through discussion
62.5 %
70 %
active in holding up his/her hands to represent his/her group in answering the reading questions
45 %
40 %
active in doing the instruction and tasks given by the teacher through discussion
62.5 %
65 %
Average in each action
53.44 %
56.88 %
Average in Cycle 1
55.16 %
3.44 %

From the tabel above, it can be known that the percentage of students’ activeness in opening the dictionary to find the new words from the text is low. Even the activeness of opening the dictionary in Action 2 is lower than in Action 1. In reality, the teacher still found one or two students who did not bring dictionaries in every group. This caused some students not active  and unable to find the meaning of new words in the text. In this case some students became not active in comprehending the text. It can be seen in the indicator of the students’ activeness in opening the dictionary to find the meaning of new words found in the text in discussion in which the percentage shows 50% in Action 1, and 45% in Action 2. This case had to need more attention from the teacher in the learning process in the next cycle. The teacher was necessary to give pressure to the students so that they all brought dictionaries in English teaching and learning activities.
In Action 1 at Cycle 1, the teacher also found some students who were confused to find the difficulties or problems which would be discussed in discussion, especially for the students who did not bring dictionaries. This case can be known from the students’ activeness in finding problems or difficulties in the text in discussion, those are 32.5%  in Action 1, and 52.5% in Action 2. This case as well as needed more attention from the teacher in the next cycle. The teacher needed to involve himself to help students. He needed to ask the students the problems and difficulties they faced, and tried to help to resolve the problem, such as in translating the phrases, in comprehending the sentences or others.
The problems of not bringing dictionaries and not being able to find the problems for the students in reading comprehension in discussion caused them afaraid to hold up their hands to represent their groups in answering the reading questions. That’s why, in this cycle the average result of students’ activeness in holding up his/her hands to represent his/her group in answering the reading questions is low, those are 45% in Action 1, and 40% in Action 2. This case needed more attention from the teacher in the learning process in the next cycle. The teacher also needed to grow the students’ courage, especially in expressing their ideas and the result of their discussion.
From the data above, it can be known there were some students not active in the learning process in Cycle 1. It happened because of two factors, from the students themselves and the limitation of the teacher’s capability. However the teacher tried to find the resolution to improve the students’ activeness in reading comprehension through discussion technique in the next cycle.
The teacher’s lacks or weakness in the learning process conducted can be seen on tabel as follows:
Table 4.2
The Result of the Observation List of Teacher’s Activeness at Cycle 1
Action 1
Action 2
Explaining the rules of discussion before the teaching and learning process
Following the group discussion and helping students to resolve the problem
Writing the purpose of  teaching and learning process on the board
Giving questions to the students individually and in group
Giving chance or occasion to other group, if there is student’s answer which has not been right yet
Giving praise as reward to the students who answer right
Using media or teaching aid  to help students easier in understanding the material

From the tabel above, it it can be known that there are two prominent lacks from the teacher in the learning process. First is the teacher’ lack in explaining the rules of discussion before teaching and learning process both in Action 1 and Action 2. The second is the teacher’s weakness in using the media or teaching aid. In this case the teacher used lap top and LCD in presenting the reading materials. The teacher did not use the media well. Therefore the use of media in the students’ learning needed more attention from the teacher to improve the students’ activeness in teaching reading comprehension through discussion technique in the next cycle, especially to help the students in order to be easier in comprehending the text.
2.    Cycle 2
In the Cycle 2, the action began from riminding students about the rules which must be done by them in discussion. In this case the teacher emphasized or stressed highly about everything which should be done by the students during the learning process, especially in discussion. It was meant to activate students in discussing the materials and problem maximally and  avoided the things which were not desirable. The process of further action was in accordance with the lesson plans.
The result of the observation list of students’ activities in the Cycle 2 was 70.16% indicated that the students’ activeness was good, and the result was better than in the Cycle 1. It proved that the students’ activeness in reading comprehension through discussion the teacher used improved. It means that using discussion technique in teaching and learning process can improve the students’ activeness in reading comprehension. It was strengthened with the the result of the questioner which showed the rate 70.94%. The result indicated that there was an enhancement in the Cycle 2. It was showed by the result of the observation list of students’ activities for each indicator as follows:
Table 4.3
The Result of the Observation List of Students’ Activeness for Each  Indicator at Cycle 2
Action 1
Action 2
active in opening the dictionary to find the meaning of new words found in the text in discussion
60 %
62.5 %
active in comprehending every phrase, sentence and paragraph in discussion
70 %
70 %
active in focussing or concentrating his/her mind to comprehend the text in discussion
82.5 %
82.5 %
active in finding difficulties in the text in discussion
52.5 %
65 %
active in responding both questions and opinions from others in discussion
67.5 %
70 %
active in finding the right answers in answering the reading questions through discussion
80 %
82.5 %
active in holding up his/her hands to represent his/her group in answering the reading questions
60 %
62.5 %
active in doing the instruction and tasks given by the teacher through discussion
75 %
80 %
Average in each action
68.44 %
71.88 %
Average in Cycle 2
70.16 %
3.44 %

  From the data above, it can be known that there was an enhancement/improvement of the students’ activeness in reading comprehension through discussion technique when it was compared with the students’ actveness in the Cycle 1. The students’ ativeness in Action 1 at Cycle 2 was good in general, but the activeness in Action 2 was better than in Action 1. It was shown by the percentage of the students’ activeness at every indicator in Cycle 2 showed higher than in Cycle 1. However, there were still some lacks or weakness in the learning process done by the teacher. It can be seen in the tabel of the result of the observation list of teacher’s activities as follows:
Table 4.4
The Result of the Observation List of Teacher’s Activities at Cycle 2
Action 1
Action 2
Explaining the rules of discussion before the teaching and learning process
Following the group discussion and helping students to resolve the problem
Writing the purpose of  teaching and learning process on the board
Giving questions to the students individually and in group
Giving chance or occasion to other group, if there is student’s answer which has not been right yet
Giving praise as reward to the students who answer right
Using media or teaching aid  to help students easier in understanding the material

The observation list of the teacher’s activities conducted by the two collaborators above is to know and analize the teacher’s lacks or weakness in teaching and learning process. Having seen the tabel or the observation list of the teacher’s activities, it can be known that the teacher’s  skill in teaching reading comprehension had still weaknesses both in Action 1 and Action 2. First, in explaing the rules of discussion before the teaching and learning process to improve the students’ activeness. In this case the teacher was necessary to explain the rules of discussion more detailed and clearly to make students more active in comprehending the text. The second teacher’s weakness was in giving praise as reward to the students who answer right. In this case the teacher was necessary to give more praises to the students although he conducted effort and improvement in his teaching’s skill. The third was the teacher’s weakness in using the teaching and learning media. The use of the teaching media in the form of  laptop and LCD used by the teacher, it was not been able to give the good effect in reading class. Therefore the teacher is necessary to use the media well, and as maximal as possible in teaching reading comprehension to improve the students’ activeness in the learning process, so that they have good skills in the reading learning.
However, the teacher’s skill in Cycle 2 had improvement  highly, that was when it was compared with the teacher’s skill in teaching reading comprehension through discussion technique in Cycle 1.
Based on the analysis above, it can be concluded that accompanion result of the classroom action research observation was able to increase the absorption and exhaustiveness of the students’ learning.
The complete result of observation of Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 can be seen in following table:

Table 4.5
The Result of the Observation List of Students’ Activeness
at Cycle 1 and Cycle 2

Cycle 1
Cycle 2
Action 1
Action 2
Action 1
53.44 %
56.88 %
68.44 %
71.88 %
55.16 %
70.16 %
15 %

Based on the result above, it can be seen that the percentage of the students’ activeness in Cycle 2 was compared by the students’ activeness in Cycle 1 improved. It was strengthened by the result of the questionnaire in which the percentage shows 70.94% in Cycle 2. This research got success based on target. The writter felt satisfy and decided to stop the action in the classroom action research because discussion technique was able to improve the students’ activeness in reading in teaching and learning process.

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